Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Story Good People Bad Rawr

There's no real benefit to be had in trying to convince people to like your (or anybody else's) work if they don't like it immediately. Just write something else. If you've got two million words out there, they've got to like something, assuming that isn't a two million word trilogy. That would be bad no matter how good it is...

You're running a small business, and you don't get satisfied customers by yelling at them when they don't like your products. If the reader didn't like what you're selling, sell them something else. Everything I know about small business would exhort me to give them something free for their trouble, too. Satisfied customers are worth more than Artist's Pride, which is worthless until somebody pays for it. Fortunately, you're your own supplier so the only haggling for supply you have to do is with yourself about time.

The same goes with promotion, which is something of the same idea. I feel the best promotion is having a lot of work out there, just a massive backlist. That's my weakness right now is that I don't yet have at least five unrelated books I can just point people to. And thus, of course, from.


On that note, though, I now have 10 Short Stories available for purchase and 2 free flash fiction just for fun. All of them are on Smashwords and sooner or later these newest 4 will be on the Kindle and Barnes & Noble.

In honor of this milestone and to test the coupon feature of Smashwords, I'm making Ernie Centrifuge, Private Eye available for free until Christmas. Just follow that link and input the coupon code [expired] at checkout. We'll see how this works. If you have any troubles, tell me.

It's a fun scifi romp, I had a lot of fun writing it, and this is my favorite cover art of the new set. I like how it all came together. You can find the rest of the short stories in the convenient category tabs above.


People good, also story good too! Rawr? I'm going to class up this post with a little classic classy.



History of the lower varieties always seemed to focus on a bunch of nobles and warlords who never really did anything except break stuff. That's not my skill set. What I liked about studying Science was that you got to learn about a bunch of Creative types from all of history. Some of them were wrong, but they were trying to be right, and they showed their work. It was only when some warlord got involved that all the work got hidden.

Concentration of power is Bad For Science.

250 words? Yes
Book "Lived Too Long to Die"
Short Story "Sharia & The Gays" - in progress
- - - -
Reading - ?


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