Sunday, March 25, 2012

Science Fantasy Romance 3 - Director Chen Saves the Day

Director Chen Saves the Day
Available at *
Kobo * Sony * Diesel
Barnes & Noble

Collected in
A Future Darkly

A fast-paced tale of a taciturn administrator’s behind-the-scenes juggle to keep his asteroid from being blown up and to pay the bills on time.

before reading
I hand-wrote this story in an incredibly boring meeting which had very little to do with me, then I essentially rewrote the whole thing when I typed it up. I’m pretty sure this is the first time I mention Ceres in my fiction, though. I’d revisit that colony many a time. I remember that the characters were fun, and that the story was pretty funny...but I don’t remember the plot. Guys, this is either going to be good, or really, really bad.

after reading
I think this is the kind of story that arises when writers throw down the gauntlet. “I double-dog dare ya to write a story about the background coordinator in the over-the-top SF action story. Oh, and he can’t talk.” ...OK, I’m not going to nominate this one for the Hugo, but I laughed out loud, twice. It’s a fun story, guys, and I really like the setting.

Next Week
Drugs are Legal, People Ain’t

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