Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sexy Is Always Polite

To me the essence of writing is to write things that people won't say they want to read, but actually do. This is why Romance is so popular.

To me the essence of writing is to write exactly what people want to read, and let them give you money to do so.

To me the essence of writing is to write exactly what you want to write, and trick people into letting you make a living at it.

To me the essence of writing is to engage in thought-provoking discourse with a number of personal vices while at the same time fueling them via that self-same discourse.

To me the essence of writing is to get dames without climbing a mountain.

To me the essence of writing is to mark each day with a sort of eternal seal, I was here, it reads and other people read it too.

To me the essence of writing is to have something to do with the 42 hours I spend mostly staring at walls and thinking.

To me the essence of writing is to learn a lot about the business of writing and in general get paid for it while in specific getting new and exciting ways to get paid more for it.

To me the essence of writing is to practice my touch-typing in the dark. I want to write with the screen off and have very few typos.

To me the essence of writing is that, sometimes, this girl looks over my shoulder and asks me what I'm writing about, and I have an answer that sounds both erudite and witty as opposed to or in fact despite being "It's abut chickens."

To me the essence of writing is that I have a million ideas a day and I might as well write them down so somebody else doesn't have to. The sooner we have every possible idea, the sooner we can settle in and await the heat death of the universe in style.

To me the essence of writing is to go to new places and meet interesting people. Then kill them. Without going to jail, because it's a damn book.

To me the essence of writing is to fill in this blank page.

To me the essence of writing is to draw the attention of otherwise normal people to the abnormal.

To me the essence of writing is not having to explain why my post title doesn't have anything to do with the post itself.

To me the essence of writing is that I could do this all day.

To me the essence of writing is being a Presence on the Internet. It's good to be Internet-famous, because being real famous means you get stalkers. On the Internet everybody is already a stalker, so that saves time.

To me the essence of writing is carefully disguising the fact that all of your characters are Mary Sue, and all the situations are Mary Sue Goes To The Piggly-Wiggly.

To me the essence of writing is looking down on all the merely literary writers.

To me the essence of writing is not caring too much about what you wrote, but that you have written and that you are writing.

To me the essence of writing is an overabundance of productivity and an underabundance of cost.

To me the essence of writing is that I can make up my own words so long as I define them in the context.

To me the essence of writing is a waste of time that's fun to do. And then you realize that it wasn't a waste of time at all, maybe ten, twenty, thirty years later when you know what a tachyon is and your idiot neighbor could care less.

To me the essence of writing is Outer Space.

To me the essence of writing is Eldricht Horror.

To me the essence of writing is Man Bites Dog.

To me the essence of writing is A Fashion Show.

To me the essence of writing is that it's something I can do, because I can do it, and because other people want me to do it.

To me the essence of writing is that people will read what's good if they've heard about it and have the opportunity to buy it. They don't care who wrote it, the good ones don't, they care what the who wrote about.

To me the essence of writing is that my computer still thinks eldricht is spelled wrong, but I don't.

To me the essence of writing is having something to blog about every day.

What's the essence of writing to you?


The Way I'm Doing Write1Submit1:

If in a given week the spreadsheet title row is
RED, then I'm behind!
BLACK, then I've not yet finished one story.
GREEN, then I've finished one story.
GOLD, then I've finished two or more stories.

Each week, it resets!

4000 words? Yes
Short Story "The Ambassador's Lady" - Finished, Submitted
Short Story "Bitsy Pollo Save Us!: A Love Story" - in progress, not yet outlined
- - - -


1 comment:

  1. The essence of writing to me is writing what's in my heart, putting into words the stories that are born in my mind.

    You're got a good understanding of what it means to you, but I dare say you're making it too much about other people. There's certainly a process of bringing it to other people's standards (i.e. readers and publishers), but to me "essence" is the very core, the founding principle of why we do what we do. But that's a matter of interpretation, I suppose.

    Best of luck with Write1Sub1. :) It's been a fun ride so far.


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